Part66 Module 08 Basic Aerodynamics Main Page

EASA  PART-66 Module 8 : Basic Aerodynamics

8.1 Physics of the Atmosphere (level 2) : International Standard Atmosphere (ISA), application to aerodynamics.

8.2 Aerodynamics (level 2) : Airflow around a body; Boundary layer, laminar and turbulent flow, free stream flow, relative airflow, upwash and downwash, vortices, stagnation; The terms: camber, chord, mean aerodynamic chord, profile (parasite) drag, induced drag, centre of pressure, angle of attack, wash in and wash out, fineness ratio, wing shape and aspect ratio; Thrust, Weight, Aerodynamic Resultant; Generation of Lift and Drag: Angle of Attack, Lift coefficient, Drag coefficient, polar curve, stall; Aerofoil contamination including ice, snow, frost. 

8.3 Theory of Flight (level 2):  Relationship between lift, weight, thrust and drag; Glide ratio; Steady state flights, performance; Theory of the turn; Influence of load factor: stall, flight envelope and structural limitations; Lift augmentation.    

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